Western District

With 12 towers in our District, it is convenient to meet at each of these once throughout the year for our District Meetings which are held on the 2nd Saturday of each month. The format of open ringing from 3-4.30pm followed by Evensong (or a quick visit to the local pub for those who prefer), tea and a business meeting and then further open ringing until 8.00pm has been working for us for over 50 years.

Our annual calendar is busy, including a District Striking Competition for both call changes and change-ringing, Training masterclasses, Surprise Minor practices and a Quarter Peal Weekend. Fund raising events include a Quiz Night, a Walk and Ring and a District Outing.

We currently have about 125 members including 13 life (50yrs+) members, welcoming 15 new members during 2024.

Ringing Master

Brian Crawley


Assistant Ringing Master

Nick Gill


District Secretary

Liz Middleton

8 Coopers Meadow, Redbourn, AL3 7EY

07952 641529


District Training Officer

Su Gambling


County Committee Representative

David Gambling


Deputy County Committee Representative

Carolyn Crawley

01442 245942


County Bell Fund Trustee

Brian Watson

01442 268167

2024 District Striking Contest – Article excerpt from the Ringing World.